giovedì 20 giugno 2019

pc 20 giugno - Assemblea a Siviglia per la libertà di Saibaba e contro l'operazione 'Green hunt'

in via di traduzione

Estado Español: A voz do profesor GN Saibaba e a súa loita contra da Operación Green Hunt, presentes en Sevilla

No Congreso Internacional “Land and Human Rights” celebrado en Sevilla dende o 12 ao 14 de xuño, e diante dun nutrido grupo de profesoras de dereito e varios sindicalistas do SAT/SOC, o antropólogo social Adolfo Naya na súa ponencia contra da Operación Green Hunt, reclamou a
liberdade inmediata do profesor GN Saibaba, como unha das voces máis críticas contra desta operación xenocida,”falar do profesor GN Saibaba é falar da Operación Green Hunt”.
Na súa ponencia falou do movemento naxalita como a única alternativa que teñen os pobos Adivasis e a poboación Dalit, para defender a súa terra, bosques e auga  e construír outra sociedade, fora das lóxicas de morte e destrución do capitalismo.
 Así mesmo solicitou toda a solidariedade co movemento naxalita  para deter o xenocidio que está a levar a cabo o Goberno hinduista-fascista de Modi contra dos activistas naxalitas, Dalits e pobos Adivasis.

The voice of Professor GN Saibaba and his fight against 
Operation Green Hunt, present in Seville (Spanish State)

In the International Congress "Land and Human Rights" held in Seville from June 12 to 14, and in front of a large group of right-wing professors and several trade unionists from the SAT / SOC, the social anthropologist Adolfo Naya in his speech against Operation Green Hunt , demanded the immediate freedom of Professor GN Saibaba, as one of the most critical voices against this genocidal operation, "talk of Professor GN Saibaba is to talk about Operation Green Hunt."
In his report he spoke of the Naxalite movement as the only alternative that Adivasis and the Dalit have to defend their land, forests and water, and to build another society, outside of the logics of death and destruction of capitalism.
 He also requested all solidarity with the Naxalite movement to stop the genocide being carried out by the Hindu-fascist Government of Modi against Naxalite activists, Dalits and Adivasis.

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