16 July Actions throughout Italy
ambasciata indiana a Roma

Indian Embassy Free Ajith! To be a revolutionary Intellectual of CPI
Maoist is not a crime! Ajith, for 40 years serving the Indian masses and
the Naxalite revolution, must be released!

Rome: Freedom for Indian political orisoners! Solidarity with the workers struggles in India! Stop “Green Hunt”
Dalmine, on the waal of the factory: class solidarity and unity between Indian and Italian workers against the masters
Milan, Stop Green Hunt and state terrorism in India! Suport the people’s War! Free Ajith and all political prisoners!

The ICSPWI campaign goes on among the students in Palermo

The suppressive attacks by the fascist Modi’s government has also hit the city, New Delhi, where Professor Saibaba was jailed for having “sympathized” in favor of the People’s War led by the Communist Party of India.
Recently a bail for three months was granted to Saibaba, for reasons of health, but we want to and we cry loudly for his unconditional release.
Another key point is the release of all political prisoners, as Ajith, an intellectual, also accused of being in connection with Maoist thinking and therefore considered a terrorist !
Ironically, the self-claimed “largest democracy of the world”, does not stop arresting professors and intellectuals who raise their voices against its policy and war in people, showing this way its real fascist nature!
Italy as as the world starts the campaign of solidarity for comrade
Ajith and other political prisoners in india unjustly arrested by the
Indian reactionary government.
In Rome a solidarity public meeting was held to prepare further protest.
In Palermo and Taranto posters have been put on the walls of downtonws.
It is only the beginning of a campaign that will last from July 28 at the international level, with various initiatives to spread our solidarity among intellectuals, students, workers, workers and masses in general.

In Palermo and Taranto posters have been put on the walls of downtonws.
It is only the beginning of a campaign that will last from July 28 at the international level, with various initiatives to spread our solidarity among intellectuals, students, workers, workers and masses in general.