The International Committee organized the vision of “Chakravyuh”. A broad introduction summarized the two previous days of actions in Palermo, and treated the situation in the Indian subcontinent, the current stage of the People’s War and the Operation Green Hunt, currently focused on the democratic opposition and intellectual who expose the crimes of the Indian regime and the genocide in the name of “fighting terrorism”.
At the end of the movie, another presentation described some aspects the birth of the CPI (m) decades after the struggle of Naxalbari in 1967 (which gave birth to the Maoist movement in India), the recent treaty with US imperialism and the economic and military cooperation with Israel, the organization of the PRCs as embryo of a new society.
Finally, a comrade of the Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement presented the fresh issued pamphlet “Within the People’s War in India, the revolution in the revolution of women” treating the role of women in this great revolution, including an article of the well-known Indian writer Arundathy Roy about the violence of the Indian state against women, particularly against thosewho join the ranks of the Communist Party of India (Maoist ) and People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army. The participation has been marked by a majority of young female students as well as womens workers who have been distributed the pamphlet.
The solidarity and example of Maruti workers in Manesar, who dared challenge the command in the factory and became a “danger for the Indian State and the national economy”, has been brought to the workers of Same, company that today owns an important plant in Southern India.
Leaflets of the campaign have also distributed at the anti-fascist demonstration and among the evicted migrants struggling for the right to a house.
Agitation amongst the proletarians of the S.Siro Neighborhood, in majority migrants
Leaflets spread at the demo of the movement of house-occupiers. The protester, almost all migrant welcomed with interest and brotherhood the message from Indian proletarians led by Maoists.
International day of Action: 30 January in Italy
Banner at the Indian Embassy
Meeting of workers, unemployed, temporary workers as part of the International Days of Actions
29 January – International Day of Actions in Italy
The workers of, all from India, are struggling against the firings. This morning, during a protest in front of the Job Office, they reverberated the message of hope of the struggle of workers and peole of India. They said that “from India to Italy the masters are united in the attack on workers bymeans their governments, Modi as Renzi, the Jobs Act in Italy as the reform of labour Laws in India” … “The struggle of the Suzuki workers is not only a struggle for better conditions of work but questioned the issue of the command in the factory, at the centre of which there is the exploitation of workers for profits, the basis of the whole capitalist system. Workers are an international class and represent the only force that can tranform the world, so they have the same goal: to put an end to the system of bourgeoisie”.
At the shift change, a delegation of Indian workers took part at a speech to the workers of Tenaris Steel in Dalmine.
From the statement adopted by Italian workers: “The struggle for the rights of workers and people, for a job, better conditions of work, freedom, democracy, to topple the power of masters for a power in the hands of workers and people is an international struggle that unites us.
agitation action, with leaflets, posters and banners at “Cantieri Navali” the biggest factory of city.
Speech to the workers of Ilva Steel:
– Who is the Mittal Group, the Indian multinational that is going to buy Ilva, once restructured according to the Renzi’s ordenance
– What are the conditions of Indian workers that allow the Indian bosses to gain so huge profits that they can buy Ilva, in the shade of the alliance Renzi-Modi
– Why we have to suport the struggle of Indian workers and the people’s war led by Maoists
Proletarian meeting:
Counter-information against Operation Green Hunt. The support to the people’s war, in the context of the aggression of imperialism on people of the world under the fake banner of the “struggle against terrorism”.
Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement
Leaflets distributed and posters stuck at the “Sapienza” University.
Activists met the University Collective to explain all the aspects of the ongoing campaign and stuck posters on the wall of the department. As conclusion it was agreed to organize further and wider initiave and to relaunch the solidarity campaign to free G.N. Saibaba.
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