giovedì 16 maggio 2024

pc 16 maggio - USA - La protesta nelle Università continua nonostante la repressione - massima info e contro info

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...College campuses continue to be the site of determined resistance to the U.S.-backed Israeli genocidal slaughter of Palestinian people. While most of the Gaza Solidarity Encampments that cropped up across the country have been violently shut down, creative and courageous protests continue to spread. And students are continuing to demand their schools divest from Israel financially, and demand an end to the genocide happening now. At many campuses faculty members have stepped forward to support the protests, speaking out against the violent assaults on their students.

As we wrote last week, “These college students, especially from 'elite' universities, are going up against their own government on a matter of strategic importance to the ruling class—the state of Israel as a military outpost for U.S. capitalism-imperialism in the strategic region of the Middle East. This is

forcing many others to sit up and take notice, to question what they are going along with and to challenge long-held fundamental assumptions about the nature of this system, and their responsibility to the world.”

This has been met with slander and lies from Genocide Joe Biden and other leading representatives of this system, and a violent nationwide crackdown. Police have been called in to more than 80 campuses, and more than 2,800 protesters— mainly students—have been arrested at demonstrations or on campuses. Some of these protests have also been violently attacked by pro-Israel and MAGA fascist mobs.

System Moves to Break Up Protest Encampments, Arrest Students

Here's a roundup of just some of the protests that have spread this week, and the intensifying repression against them:

** University of Chicago: On Monday, April 29, when students first put up a tent encampment on the quad, the university administration took a hands-off approach. The school is well known for being an advocate for “free speech, and the right to protest.” But by the end of the week, it became clear that the school was going to bring down the hammer when the university president issued a letter declaring that the encampment “cannot continue.” Four days later, the university police in riot helmets marched onto campus and tore down the encampment, as students continued to protest outside. “They started very, very quickly ripping and throwing the barricades that were protecting the camp,” one faculty member who had been at the encampment to protect students said. “They started destroying the tents and throwing them.”

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At DePaul University, Chicago, entrances are blocked and people are linking arms to protect encampment from anticipated Zionist counter protesters, May 12, 2024.

At DePaul University, Chicago, entrances are blocked and people are linking arms to protect encampment from anticipated Zionist counter protesters, May 12, 2024.     Photo: Special to

** University of Massachusetts Amherst: On May 7, police raided the encampment students had set up—for the second time. Students ended the first one voluntarily on April 30, but this time they’d refused to leave.  "It was a militarized zone—that's all I can explain it as. It was not our campus. It was not a safe place," a leader in the campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine said. "They keep calling it a riot and it simply was not a riot until the cops came and made it to be a riot. And even then, we were being peaceful." Police arrested more than 130 demonstrators. The next day hundreds turned out to protest the attack. This brutal crackdown prompted Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Colson Whitehead to cancel his planned commencement speech: “[C]alling the cops on peaceful protesters is a shameful act,” he said. “I have to withdraw as your commencement speaker. I give all my best wishes and congratulations to the class of ’24 and pray for the safety of the Palestinian people, the return of the hostages, and an end to this terrible war.”

University of Massachusetts, cops destroy encampment, make arrests, May 7, 2024.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, cops destroy encampment, make arrests, May 7, 2024.    Photo: Website screen grab

** University of Virginia in Charlottesville: On Saturday, May 4, riot police armed with M4 military carbines and chemical-gas launchers stormed the protest encampment. “We were able to hold our ground until they started to spray huge clouds of chemicals at close range,” one protester said. “When we ran back into the encampment to flush out our eyes and our throats, it was when we were separated and on the ground that they started to beat me down with their shields, drag my body by my clothes, and they sprayed us at close range with the chemicals. I saw the can close to my face. I had a friend who they ripped her goggles off and sprayed her. They took us somewhere where they had no medics and no water, while we screamed in pain. They detained 26 of us for almost nine hours with the chemicals still burning on our skins. I’m now banned from campus. This is the same campus that knew that men with rifles, Nazis, white supremacists were coming [for the fascist “Unite the Right” rally in 2017], and did not stop them. And none of those white supremacists are banned from campus.” 

Cops with riot shields viciously dismantle encampment for Palestine at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, May 4, 2024.

Cops with riot shields viciously dismantle encampment for Palestine at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, May 4, 2024.    Photo: Cal Cary/The Daily Progress via AP

** Harvard University: On May 10, more than 200 students, faculty, and staff rallied in Harvard Yard in the center of campus. They were protesting the University’s decision to put 20 students on involuntary leave because they had been taking part in the Gaza solidarity encampment which was started on April 24. Students righteously refused this “deal” of taking down their encampment in exchange for not being forced to take this “involuntary leave.” Students marched around campus, stopping at various halls and renaming them in honor of Palestinians murdered by Israel—Sidra Hassouna, a seven-year-old girl who was killed in an airstrike; Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian-American journalist assassinated in the West Bank two years ago; and Hind Rajab, a six-year-old girl killed alongside her family, as well as medics who tried to save her, in Gaza.

** University of Pennsylvania: Early in the morning of Friday, May 10, police in riot gear cleared the Gaza Solidarity Encampment, arresting 33 people. In defiance of the administration’s order to disband, the encampment had been there for more than two weeks. During this time the encampment had tripled in size, with dozens of tents set up on College Green. The crackdown came after Democratic governor Josh Shapiro demanded the university “restore order and safety on campus.” Some students have received punitive suspensions which bar them from campus, commencement, university housing and dining halls and employment by the university, services, housing and jobs many students depend on.

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia students lock arms as police approach to clear the pro-Palestinian encampment, May 10, 2024. 

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia students lock arms as police approach to clear the pro-Palestinian encampment, May 10, 2024.    Photo: Jessica Griffin/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP

** George Washington University, Washington, DCOn May 8, police used pepper spray against students to break up their encampment that had been in place since April 26. Thirty-three were brutally arrested. This attack took place the night before the DC mayor was due to testify before Congress about the city’s response to GWU’s encampment. Following the crackdown, the hearing was canceled.

Metropolitan police cleared a pro-Palestinian tent encampment at George Washington University and arrested demonstrators, May 8, 2024.

Metropolitan police cleared a pro-Palestinian tent encampment at George Washington University and arrested demonstrators, May 8, 2024.    Photo: Sage Russell/GW Hatchet via AP

** Princeton University: More than a dozen students have been on a water-only hunger strike since Friday, May 3. This came after the April 25 arrest of 13 students who were occupying a building on campus. This past Friday, more than a dozen faculty members joined for a one-day fast in solidarity with the students. The students say they will continue their hunger strike until their demands are met: no charges brought against the students who were arrested and what they call a “serious meeting” with the administration for them to divest from Israel. The administration has yet to take any of this seriously and one student said in response, “If they want to let us starve, then they’re welcome to do that...”

** State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz: On May 2, police violently raided a student encampment, attacking with batons and dogs, the day after it had been set up. “Police raided us for over three hours,” a protester said. “They knocked my friend unconscious. He had a concussion. They knocked an 82-year-old woman unconscious. All of my friends have bruises. They have red marks on their hands from the zip ties. And then, afterwards, they bulldozed all of our things.” Some 133 students and others were arrested.

** New York: On May 7, in New York City, a rabid Zionist drove his car into a protest called by Columbia University students, injuring and hospitalizing one. The NYPD then arrested the driver along with two of the victims for banging their hands on the hood of his car! The driver was charged with second-degree assault. No charges were filed against the two protesters.

** UCLA: On Monday, May 6, 44 people, mainly students, were arrested for “conspiracy to commit burglary” for allegedly planning to occupy Moore Hall on the campus in protest of the genocide in Gaza. This included two members of the Revcom Corps for the Emancipation of Humanity. Arrests included journalists and legal observers. After, there was a brief sit-in in one of the campus buildings and several hundred students participated in a march around campus.1

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