domenica 17 settembre 2023

pc 17 settembre - Grande Video dai compagni indiani sulla settimana dei martiri in India - E' partita una nuova prolungata campagna internazionale per la libertà dei prigionieri politici e a sostegno della guerra popolare guidata dal PCI(Maoista)

India - Martys' Week - for comrade Anand - VIDEO -Long Live People's War! Long Live PCI(Maoist) - Let's advance in the internationalist support! ICSPWI

from last statement 

....The struggle for  'Release political prisoners in India unconditionally!' is an urgent task for all the solidarity forces and it is integrating part of the support for the victory of liberation war in India

A protracted campaign that begins in this 13th september in all possible matters , adapted at the national conditions of all countries, will culminate in a great international day of actions on November 25, 2023....

Let's partecipate to international and internationalist campaign it is a duty of all marxist-leninist-maoist force in the world 

long live CPI (Maoist)

Long live the People's War in India!!!


September 2023 

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