martedì 6 agosto 2024

Bangladesh: una grande ribellione studentesca e popolare rovescia Sheikh Hasina che scappa dal paese protetta dall'India di Modi - info

Hasina è stata difesa fino alla sua caduta dalla Cina imperialista di Xi-Ping

in via di traduzione

Bangladesh: huge rebellion overthrows Sheikh Hasina and makes her flee from the country Bangladesh: una grande ribellione rovescia Sheikh Hasina e la fa fuggire dal Paese

Featured image: demonstrators take over the Sheikh Hasina, until today Prime Minister of the country. Source: Getty Images.

Yesterday was the deadliest day of the protests which began last month in Bangladesh. The government imposed a curfew in which it was stated that the repressive forces would ‘shoot on sight’. Moreover the access to Internet was cut. After those measures became known thousands of people took the streets and assaulted a police station which was protected by police officers and thugs of the ruling party, Awami League (AL). All of them shoot with live ammunition against the protesters. The outcome of it was almost 100 people killed, among them more than a dozen of police officers. Those were added to the more than 200 people killed during the July protests, of which most were student activists brutally murdered by the repressive forces and the AL armed gangs.

After that situation the government was soon overwhelmed and lost control. Sheikh Hasina herself, prime minister resigned and fled along with some family members by helicopter, to India. Bangladeshi people stormed shortly after the palace and former residence of the prime minister.

he protesters have continued pointing out the Hasina regime collaborators and then they stormed and torched a museum which was the old residence of the father of Sheikh Hasina, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. They have also taken down statues erected to honor him in several places. Moreover, today more police stations have been attacked due to the infamous role of the repressive forces during the July protests. Today the death-toll is more than 20 dead people at the protests, even though the number could be increasing.

On last month of July a new mass protest movement erupted in Bangladesh against the AL government lead by Sheikh Hasina, this time against the established quotas for public jobs. Those type of mass protests were usual at the Southeastern Asian country, as at the middle and end of the last year there was already a huge movement, including the garment proletarians, which were driving the government into severe problems. On 2022 there were huge protest movements against Hasina government. Here you can check what we have been publishing on the situation in Bangladesh. Before those people’s uprisings, the Bangladeshi ruling classes lead by imperialism, have unleashed a huge repression against those who raised their voice. Recently we have reported on how the Bangladeshi government sent the repressive forces to seek, detain and torture the student organizers of the protests against the quota system last month.

The Bangladeshi people has not stopped despite this brutal repressive. As we see the brutal repression is making the prairie burn with uncontrollable flames. Now the Bangladeshi ruling classes are recomposing themselves erecting a military temporary government which so far is trying to contain the demonstrators by stating they will carry out an investigation on the crimes committed by the Hasina’s repressive forces, as if they would be not part of them. At the same time numerous imperialists are speaking on this regard attempting to calm down the situation and take advantage from it: Josep Borrell, foreign affairs representative from the imperialists alliance of the European Union, representatives from British imperialism, as well as senators of Yankee imperialism and others, are demanding a ‘peaceful’ and ‘democratic’ transition, trying to prevent the protest to reach levels that could harm the numerous interests of the imperialists in the country and the region. Additionally the old Indian State has imposed a curfew and strong border checkpoints to prevent that this fire extend to its own territory.

Police tortured protests’ organizers in Bangladesh

 Students in India in solidarity with Bangladesh. Source: Revolutionary Students Front (RSF)

As some students who led the marches reported, the police tortured them in the midst of the students uproars against the quotas.

Since the eruption of the protests in Bangladesh the violence by the State has been brutal. The number of murdered in the protests has reached 180 according to several media, however, there is no known official figures. It is usual to see videos and images from the police shooting with live ammunition on the demonstrators which could not be controlled by the State. Moreover students have denounced tortures by the police. A student denounced how 20 officers, which identified themselves as police, kidnapped him at 3 am and started to torture him, physically and mentally, and made an interrogation about why they were protesting, which were they reasons and why they did not accepted to hold negotiations with the government.

The official number of detainees is more than 2,500, almost the half of them detained at the capital, Dhaka. The universities and education institutions have been closed since 17th of July, and internet was cut to prevent the organization of these marches and to prevent the spreading and denounce of the repression through this mean. A curfew was also imposed.

This is the result, so far, of the State repression against the Bangladeshi uprising against the quota system, which could severely harm the university students in favor of the descendants of those who participated in the war against Pakistan in 1971. However, the High Court has stated that these quotas will be implemented but just with a 7% of the jobs reserved, which shows, even if this is reducing the proposed number at the beginning, is still keeping the quota system. Before this proposal, combative sections of the anti-quota movement continue protesting. For example, the Revolutionary Student Youth Movement has shown its rejection to it.

Garment factories remained closed after the curfew and now are reopening. These protests have severely affected the clothing monopolies which are operating in the second country which exports the most these clothes in the world.

The RSF from India continues showing its solidarity with Bangladeshi students and it is denouncing the Awami League reactionary government. Since last 19th of July, when demonstrators were repressed by local authorities in India, the RSF took the streets again along with democratic rights organizations to show solidarity with Bangladesh.

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